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AP1513,PWM控制2A Step-Down转换器

AP1513】PWM控制2A Step-Down转换器

  • AP1513 所属品牌:Diodes
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AP1513 详细介绍

AP1513 是单片集成 DC-DC 高效降压转换芯片,工作电压为(3.6V~18V),操作频率高达 300KHz ,使得AP1513可选取比较小的电感电容与之配合即达到小的纹波输出;AP1513外围元件少,可以连续输出电流达到 2A ,具有过温/过流和短路保护。AP1513通过对反馈电阻的调整,输出电压可任意调节,还有可通过一个外部电阻调整过流保护点,输出短路时可自动也降低操作频率使输出功率变小; AP1513 可广泛用于各种设备的电池电压转换和电源变换电路,如便携 DVD,LCD,车载电器,路由器,数码相框,机顶盒,网络交换机等

AP1513 consists of step-down switching regulator with PWM control. These devices include a reference voltage source, oscillation circuit, error amplifier, internal PMOS and etc.  
AP1513 provides low-ripple power, high efficiency, and excellent transient characteristics. The PWM control circuit is able to very the duty ratio linearly from 0 up to 100%.   This converter also contains an error amplifier circuit as well as a soft-start circuit that prevent s overshoot at startup.  An enable function, an over current protect function and a short circuit protect function are built inside, and when OCP or SCP happens, the operation frequency will be reduced from 300KHz to 30KHz. Also, an internal compensation block is built in to minimum external component count.  
With the addition of an internal P-channel Power MOS, a coil, capacitors, and a diode connected externally, these ICs can function as step-down switching regulators. They serve as ideal power supply units for portable devices when coupled with the SOP–8L mini-package, providing such outstanding features as low current consumption. Since this converter can accommodate an input voltage of up to 18V, it is also ideal when operating via an AC adapter.

AP1513 特性 
- AP1513 Input voltage: 3.6V to 18V.
-AP1513   Output voltage: 0.8V to VCC.
-AP1513  Duty ratio: 0% to 100% PWM control
- AP1513 Oscillation frequency: 300KHz typ.
- AP1513 Soft-start, Current limit, Enable function
-AP1513  Thermal Shutdown function
-AP1513  Built-in internal SW P-channel MOS
- AP1513 SOP-8L Pb-Free Package. 
AP1513 应用领域 
- PC Motherboard
- LCD Monitor
- Graphic Card  
- DVD-Video Player  
- Telecom Equipment
- ADSL Modem
- Printer and other Peripheral Equipment
- Microprocessor core supply
- Networking power supply